Introduction to Modern European History

COURSE TITLE Introduction to Modern European History
If the ECTS Credits are distributed in distinct parts of the course e.g. lectures, labs etc. If the ECTS Credits are awarded to the whole course, then please indicate the teaching hours per week and the corresponding ECTS Credits.
3 6
Please, add lines if necessary.Teaching methods and organization of the course are described in section 4.

Background, General Knowledge, Scientific Area, Skill Development

General Knowledge


Learning Outcomes
Please describe the learning outcomes of the course: Knowledge, skills and abilities acquired after the successful completion of the course.
From the 15th to the 18th century, Europe witnessed a series of intellectual, social and economic changes that led to the transformation of old institutions and to the creation of new. The course deals with the factors that contributed to these changes and to the ways in which European social and economic structures and dominant ideologies and beliefs changed. The course examines topics such as the Reformation, the commercial revolution, absolutism and the new polities of the 17th century, European expansion and domination, new ideas and the French Revolution as the chief elements in the birth of the modern world.

Learning outcomes:

  • Students will be able to analyse the pivotal role of the Protestant Reformation as well as the Roman Catholic one in forging new perceptions of faith and religious practices, in establishing new institutions in Europe, such as the expansion of education and in restructuring political power
  • To understand the economic and cultural impact of the voyages of “discovery” the new trade routes in the 15th and 16th centuries and the ways it reformed European markets and new wealth
  • To relate the emergence of absolutism with centralised state power and be able to analyse the new political formations of the 17th century in Europe and the British Isles
  • To follow the importance of the expansion and domination of European powers in the world during the 18th century
  • To understand the impact of the new science and the emerging new technologies in the economic life of 17th and 18th century as well as the ideas of the Enlightenment in contributing to the outbreak of the French Revolution
  • Students will be able to argue on the pivotal character of the above historical periods in transforming Europe from feudalism  to modernity
  • Students also follow new historiographical methodologies of the historical period under examination mainly concentrating on those taking a global approach of European history
General Skills
Name the desirable general skills upon successful completion of the module
Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information,


Adaptation to new situations

Decision making

Autonomous work


Working in an international environment

Working in an interdisciplinary environment

Production of new research ideas

Project design and management

Equity and Inclusion

Respect for the natural environment


Demonstration of social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues

Critical thinking

Promoting free, creative and inductive reasoning

Essay writing

Historiographical research

1.       Intellectual developments and the end of Middle Ages: Universities and new cities

2.       Religious Reformations

3.       The Commercial Revolution 16th to 18th century: transformation and expansion

4.       Dynasties and Politics 16th century Europe

5.       The thirty years war and the end of religious wars

6.       Absolutism and absolutist regimes

7.       English Revolution or English Civil War?

8.       The English Parliament and other political systems in Europe 17th to 18th centuries

9.       Great European Expansion in the world, economic developments and social transformation

10.    Scientific revolutions and new Ideas: The Enlightenment

11.    Economic crises and political development in 18th century France of the “old regime”

12.    The Great French Revolution

13.    Napoleonic Wars and the export of revolution: a turn to modernity?

Face to face, Distance learning, etc.
Face to face
Use of ICT in Teaching, in Laboratory Education, in Communication with students
Documentaries and films, power point in lectures

The ways and methods of teaching are described in detail.

Lectures, Seminars, Laboratory Exercise, Field Exercise, Bibliographicresearch& analysis, Tutoring, Internship (Placement), Clinical Exercise, Art Workshop, Interactive learning, Study visits, Study / creation, project, creation, project. Etc.

 The supervised and unsupervised workload per activity is indicated here, so that total workload per semester complies to ECTS standards.

Activity Workload/semester
Lectures 60
bibliographic research and essay writing 40
Written or oral examination 50
Total 150
Student Evaluation

Description of the evaluation process

 Assessment Language, Assessment Methods, Formative or Concluding, Multiple Choice Test, Short Answer Questions, Essay Development Questions, Problem Solving, Written Assignment, Essay / Report, Oral Exam, Presentation in audience, Laboratory Report,Clinical examination of a patient,Artistic interpretation, Other/Others

 Please indicate all relevant information about the course assessment and how students are informed 


Non-compulsory Presentations 20%, essay writing 30%, written and oral examinations 70%

Examinations for those who did not present essays 100%


Basic textbooks:

  1. MerryWiesnerHanks, Πρώιμη Νεότερη Ευρώπη 1450-1789, εκδ. Ξιφαράς, Αθήνα 2008.
  2. BersteinMilzaΑπό την Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία στα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη, Αλεξάνδρεια Αθήνα 1999

Άλλες γενικές επισκοπήσεις:

  1. E.M. Burns, Εισαγωγή στην Ιστορία και τον Πολιτισμό της Νεότερης Ευρώπης, Επίκεντρο Αθήνα. 2005
  2. Μάρκ Μπλόχ, Λουσιέν Φέβρ, Φερνάρντ Μπρωντέλ, Ε. ΛεΡουά Λαντουρύ, Κρίστοφερ Χιλλ, Έρικ Χοπσμπάουμ, Κείμενα Ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας, Παπαζήσης 1985.
  3. Ελένη Αρβελέρ, MauriceAymard, Οι Ευρωπαίοι, Νεότερη και Σύγχρονη Εποχή, Σαββάλας 2003.

Reformation Humanism:

  1. Γιάκομπ Μπούρκχαρτ, Ο Πολιτισμός της Αναγέννησης στην Ιταλία, Νεφέλη 1997.
  2.  Κώστας Γαγανάκης, Ο πόλεμος των λέξεων, θρησκευτική διαμάχη και προπαγάνδα στη Γαλλία τον καιρό της νύχτας του Αγίου Βαρθολομαίου, Νεφέλη Αθήνα 2003.

The Economy and material culture:

  1. Carlo Cipolla, Η Ευρώπη πριν την βιομηχανική επανάσταση, κοινωνία και οικονομία, 1000-1700 μ.Χ., Θεμέλιο, 1980.
  2. Landes, Ο πλούτος και η φτώχεια των εθνών, Λιβάνης 2005
  3. Werner Rosener, Οι αγρότες στη Ευρώπη, Αθήνα Ελληνικά Γράμματα 1999.
  4. FernardBraudel –GeorgeDuby, Η Μεσόγειος, Άνθρωποι και Πολιτισμική Κληρονομιά, Αθήνα Αλεξάνδρεια 1990.
  5. Fernard Braudel, Ο χώρος και η ιστορία, Αθήνα Αλεξάνδρεια 1990.
  6. Fernard Braudel, Υλικός Πολιτισμός και Καπιταλισμός, Αθήνα ΑΤΕ 2005.
  7. Rodney Hilton, (ed.) Η μετάβαση από την φεουδαρχία στον καπιταλισμό, Θεμέλιο Αθήνα 1986.
  8. Massimo Montari, Πείνα και Αφθονία στην Ευρώπη, Αθήνα Ελληνικά Γράμματα, 1997

Early Modern European Society:

  1. Νόμπερτ Ελιάς, Η εξέλιξη του Πολιτισμού, Ήθη και κοινωνική συμπεριφορά στη Νεότερη Ευρώπη, Νεφέλη 1997.
  2. Νόμπερτ Ελιάς, Η εξέλιξη του Πολιτισμού, Κοινωνιογενετικές και ψυχογενετικές έρευνες, Νεφέλη 1997.
  3. HenryKamen, Πρώιμη Νεότερη Ευρωπαϊκή Ιστορία, Μεταίχμιο Αθήνα 2002.
  4. Βερνέρ Ζομπάρτ, Ο Αστός, Νεφέλη 1998.
  5. Carlo Ginzburg, Το τυρί και τα σκουλήκια, Ο κόσμος ενός μυλωνά του 16ου αιώνα, Αλεξάνδρεια, Αθήνα 1994.
  6. Χάφτον Όουλεν, Ιστορία των Γυναικών στην Ευρώπη 1500-1800 Αθήνα Νεφέλη 2003
  7. Για Μαγεία: SilviaFederici, Ο Κάλιμπαν και η μάγισσα. Γυναίκες, σώμα και πρωταρχική συσσώρευση, εκδ. ΤωνΞένωνΑθήνα 2011
  8. Daren Oldridge, The Witchcraft Reader, Routledge 2008
  9. Montague Summers, MaleusMaleficarum, Kessinger Publishing 2004
  10. Carlo Ginsburg, The Night Battles, Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the sixteenth and seventeenth Centuries,
  11. Brian LevackThe Witchcraft Hunt in Early Modern Europe,


  1. PerryAnderson, Το απολυταρχικό κράτος, Οδυσσέας 1974.
  2. ThomasHobbesΛεβιάθαν(1651) Ή Ύλη, Μορφή και Εξουσία μιας Εκκλησιαστικής και Λαϊκής Πολιτικής Κοινότητας, τόμος Α’ και Β’, Αθήνα.

Enlightenment and Revolution:

  1. GeorgesLefevre, Η Γαλλική Επανάσταση, ΜΙΕΤ Αθήνα 2003.
  2. CharlesTilly, Οι Ευρωπαϊκές Επαναστάσεις, Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα 1998
  3. Πασχάλης Κιτρομηλίδης Η Γαλλική Επανάσταση και η Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, Διάττων 1990.
  4. NormanHapmson, Ο Διαφωτισμός, μια αποτίμηση για τις παραδοχές τις θέσεις και τις αξίες του, εκδ. Παπαζήση 1995.
  5. JonathanIsrael, Η Ευρώπη και Ριζοσπαστικός Διαφωτισμός, ΚΝΕ, Αθήνα 2005.
  6. Medelson, Kant, Hamann, Wieland, Riem, Herder, Lessing, Erhard, Schiller, Τι είναι Διαφωτισμός,εκδ. Κριτική, Αθήνα 1989.
  7. Έρικ Χομπσμπάουμ, Η εποχή των Επαναστάσεων 1789-1848, ΜΙΕΤ Αθήνα 1992.
  8. Πασχάλης Κιτρομηλίδης, Πολιτικοί στοχαστές των Νεότερων Χρόνων, Πορεία Αθήνα 2004.




Alternative ways of examining a course in emergency situations


Teacher (full name): Athena Syriatou
Contact details:
Supervisors: (1)
Evaluation methods: (2) Ø written assign mentor/and exercises

written or oral examination with distance learning methods, provided that the integrity and reliability of the examination are ensured

Implementation Instructions: (3)

(1) Please write YES or NO

(2) Note down the evaluation methods used by the teacher, e.g.

  • written assign mentor/and exercises
  • written or oral examination with distance learning methods, provided that the integrity and reliability of the examination are ensured.

(3) In the Implementation Instructions section, the teacher notes down clear instructions to the students:

a) in case of written assignment and / or exercises: the deadline (e.g. the last week of the semester),the means of submission, the grading system, the grade percentage of the assignment in the final grade and any other necessary information.

b) incaseoforal examination with distance learning methods: the instructions for conducting the examination (e.g. in groups of X people), the way of administration of the questions to be answered, the distance learning platforms to be used, the technical means for the implementation of the examination (microphone, camera, word processor, internet connection, communication platform), the hyperlinksfor the examination, the duration of the exam, the gradingsystem, the percentage of the oral exam in the final grade, the ways in which the inviolability and reliability of the exam are ensuredand any other necessary information.

c) incaseofwritten examination with distance learning methods:the way of administration of the questions to be answered, the way of submitting the answers, the duration of the exam, the grading system, the percentage of the written exam of the exam in the final grade, the ways in which the integrity and reliability of the exam are ensured and any other necessary information.

There should be anattached list with the Student Registration Numbersonly of students eligible to participate in the examination.