Post-Doctoral Studies Regulations


The Regulation on Postdoctoral Studies has been approved by Senate of Democritus University of Thrace decision 27/50/17-06-2021. The Regulation in above ensures the conduct of postdoctoral research by researchers who would like to cooperate with DUTH in research areas of its faculties.
The ultimate aims of Postdoctoral research at Democritus University of Thrace are, inter alia, the following ones:

  • The production of qualitative scientific research
  • The development of new research areas, related to the research area of researcher’s postdoctoral research, in DUTH different faculties
  • The contribution to the covering of Faculties’ research requirements
  • The approach and resolution of specific research problems experienced by Faculties
  • The further impact of postdoctoral research in new scientific directions that each faculty is interested in
  • The transfer of know-how
  • The    empowering    of    new    researchers    who    will    contribute    to    research    and implementations development
  • The enhancement of quality and academic prestige of DUTH research projects, as well as DUTH position at an international level.