Όνομα/Name: Theodoros Tzelepis

Βιογραφικό/Faculty Bio


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ID Course Number Course Teacher Room Day Time Credits Prerequisites
70 70 Civil society: Economy, state and welfare 6
48 48 Economics of Education 6
64 64 Economics of Social Protection 6
78 78 Environmental sustainability and the welfare state 6
84 84 Housing Policy 6
79 79 International Social Policy 6
13 13 Introduction to Informatics 6
44 44 Penal Phenomenon and Formal Social Control 6
37 37 Political Parties and Social Policy 6
32 32 Political Sociology 6
23 23 Quantitative methods of social research 6
24 24 Social change and Social problems 6
81 81 Social welfare policies 6
83 83 Sociology of family and family policy 6
54 54 State and State Policies 6