Όνομα/Name: Γεώργιος Βενετίδης / George Venetidis

Βιογραφικό/Faculty Bio


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ID Course Number Course Teacher Room Day Time Credits Prerequisites
65 65 Anthropology of Education 6
41 41 Constitutional Law 6
50 50 Contemporary Ethnographic Theory and Practice 6
42 42 Economic Sociology 6
77 77 Educational Politics 6
74 74 Employee Relations 6
88 88 English for Social Sciences I  6
89 89 English for Social Sciences II 6
75 75 Gender and IT 6
40 40 Gender, History and Social Policy 6
47 47 Health Economics 6
80 80 Health Policy and Welfare State 6
82 82 Intercultural Pedagogy 6
69 69 International Political Economy 6
12 12 Introduction to Law 6
51 51 Introduction to Modern European History 6
72 72 Non-Governmental Organizations 6
30 30 Political Economy 6
59 59 Security and Human Rights 6
25 25 Social Demography 6
46 46 Social Marketing 6
60 60 Social Psychology 6
14 14 Social Science Statistics 6
63 63 Social Security Law 6
52 52 Internship II: Teaching of Social Sciences through ICT 6
35 35 The Political Economy of Social Institutions 6